نكهات - توابل - عطور مصنع نكهات -توابل -عطور نكهة البرتقال - نكهة الفريز - نكهة الكراميل - نكهة الموز معسل - نكهات المركزه - نكهات المعسل - نكهات الطبيعه
الخميس، 31 أغسطس 2023
Flavors and fragrances gold- مصنع نكهات الذهبية لصناعة الايسكريم والمشروبات
Food flavors for the manufacture of drinks and ice cream, and the benefits of taste and smell
Flavors are essential to the sensory profile of drinks and ice cream
. They are created by a combination of taste, smell, texture, color, and temperature
. The flavor of food is due mostly to how it tastes and smells, and identifying the chemicals that contribute to flavor can help create a variety of artificial flavors that are used in nearly every food product available in a grocery store, including potato chips, ice cream, chewing gum, and soft drinks
. Some popular flavors for ice cream include vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and mint
Flavors can also affect our mood and state of mind
. Neurogastronomy suggests that flavor starts in our brain with odor ‘images’ that our memories of tastes. During the process of smelling and tasting, our mind creates a map of the unique combination of flavor molecules. Several areas of our brain access this map, including the parts that deal with emotions, sight, smell, touch, taste, and the processes that tell us when we’re hungry and thirsty
. Gastrophysics emerged to teach us how health, moods, and beliefs affect reactions to flavors. Texture, appearance, the color of a serving dish or glass, price, and even background music and lighting may lead people to think differently about the taste of a food or beverage
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